

nothing. i shouldn't get baited by two people at the same time

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bruh moment


yep certified smiley face moment



If Donald Trump was elected, none of this would have happened.

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Donald trump was elected


If the election wasn't stolen, none of this would have happened.


Afghanistan, but no American soldiers die and they cope in strategy documents about "decoupling Europe's energy from everyone but North America" and Raytheon gets to fantasize about re-militarizing Europe.

Putin is objectively less evil.

Hope everyone's having a goodnight except plasma and yns who still havent birthed any children

This new dahomey amazon movie is going to be such a dumpster fire I can't wait

You can't talk about "hating on minorities" if you have ever held something akin to "ban the goy club" because in effect the "goy club" is just the internet version of a 78 IQ Somalian who kills you for money.

Never stood for banning

Wow, these people are so anti-social, we should get rid of them (on the forum)! - It's morally wrong to not let a horde of Gambians into your country.