
he went to help. Im on russias side now. Fuck the globalists. Fuck the people giving weapons to ukraine making more youg ukrainians die.

The west is using Ukraine as soldiers for a proxy war. Fuck you all

Western sissy boy scared of russia can't support his own peoples :pleading_face:

You're spineless fuck out of here with your 9/11 thread you're a disgrace to good canadians

You mean the ones that voted for Trudeau?

I'm not scared. The war would be over if the west didn't step in.

Also I don't identify as Canadian so suck it

I mean the good ones

Imagine falling prey to Russian bots

So cringe

Yeah You're Right Putin Isn't The Bad Guy

The bad guys are supplying weapons to a nation to beat back foreign invaders you guys have a really good point. Unfortunately for the anti globohomo crusaders of justice putin has decided to permanently half ass this war because calling up the national defense service or strategic level bombing might just spark a coup or even revolution in russia. So poor russian shit eating grunts are stuck in ukraine outnumbered 3-4 to one at the ass end of a corrupt logistical system with mensa candidates running their military intelligence, praying for a decent warm meal while their air and arty cover them until they get cleared to retreat.

1st guards tank regiment got to go in being told right up until they crossed the border it was just an exercise while their valiant lt col denis lapin turned around before the border and was rewarded with a medal for his gallantry. Human beings unprepared and with no justification fed into a mulcher while their leaders sit back and high five. Putin knew all this too he let these men into these positions he just simply doesn't give a single fuck. Honestly get the impression he hates the russian people like hitler hated germans near his end

"Russia is losing so hard bros!!"

When confronted with the basic reality that Russia could flatten Ukraine in less than 8 hours, you realize that this Proxy War, funded by NATO and BlackWater(KEK) Yet again. Is also fake, and completely pointless.

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Not true.

You're Wrong.

Have you heard of the Nazi Invasion of Poland?

Let's Make Our Way To Weynon Priory Then.

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You are ignorant on war history.