9:12:2 MAFIA GAME (D1)

As long as Pastel isn't Jones I don't really care who he is.
For now I will do this.
@mafiabot vote @SuPA

That's fine. If he's not going to tell the admins his identity we'll just lynch and excommunicate him ourselves.

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it's simple, you give us his IP and email address (@big_ass can also do this), so we can doxx him and find out who he is, then we can start the mafia game.

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Mods don't have access to email addresses, only admins do.
But they do have access to ip addresses.
When I was a mod I did this on a daily basis to ban every Jones account.

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And you're so concerned about fair play that you post after deciding to sub out. Metareading but you might think it's funny to sub out as scum when it's Nyte on the receiving end.

I know it's a long shot but what else am I supposed to think about when NMA is so obviously town?

What's your role?

I'm mafia.


Vanilla Townie. What's your role?

Matty is paralyzed mafia.

You and Nyte should both be allowed to post from the same role since the game is so inactive. I'd like two different perspectives.


Mafia roleblocker.


I'll leave that to the host but it's essentially unethical for me to be in the game given that one of the players is pretending to be anonymous and I have extra information about his identity/■■■'s thoughts on his identity

You can share all his information. Don't worry, you won't get banned.

I don't have any worry about getting banned. It's not my game to determine how info should be uncovered/shared. But I do think the decisions the host/website admin is making are griefing the game and the website.

That should be sufficient to tell all of you my thoughts on the "new" user

I feel like you already made that choice if you looked at his IP. As for me, I have not since that would be unfair to the rest of the players.

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Dan epok knows that the only way to keep the game and site active is to keep us talking about his new experiment user, otherwise we'd all just block him and move on.

But, as expected of him, he made a crucial mistake by not rigging the roles, and allowing me to do this:



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@mafiabot lynch Pastel

I will not post my role pm since I'm not breaking any rules, I am just doing a "day 1 bus play" (read more about this on the mafiauniverse strategy boards).