aliens were real all along thread


they are amogus


we've just got the scraps here looking for safe refuge from the necron dyson sphere and tyrranid swarm harvesting biomass. there will be a reckoning. make peace with whatever you call your maker, the darkness encroaches

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you can make jokes all you want but the incidents during the Naval exercises have yet to be explained and the govt literally flew a helicopter in and gathered all the evidence and left without explaining anything

now randomly, 3 years later, there's multiple different whistle blowers, from difft departments, who don't know each other, privately testifying the same thing?

you really think this is all just nothing?


ofc aliens exist me making a joke about something doesn't mean i can't believe in it

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ok ok ok ok ok ok

if we do meet aliens i hope we can teach them to play sports imagine an inter species olympics

if we go extinct i hope the first thing they find about us is #plasma posts

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the entire human species being euthanized because the aliens successfully translated and read #plasma posts is a technically possible future and you can't convince me otherwise

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you need to play xcom

yeah i remember when i was a kid and read PC Gamer magazine every month the editors always raved about the original xcom and rated it as #1 greatest game ever

at least until HL2 came out i guess then they kinda went all in on the HL2 hype train

Aliens dont exist and we are alone in the universe

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why? defend this view

do you know how poor quality the images we have of distant planets are? we have no fucking way of seeing life on them. all we can see is their vague outlines... the only thing we can see at distance is STARS dude, not planets.

oh yeah and there's also the unexplained supervoids, enormous chunks of space that are completely dark with no sign of star systems, and we have no idea why.

quite literally EXACTLY what it would look like if an advanced civilization had built a bunch of dyson spheres (unlikely, sci fi territory) or if simply a whole bunch of stars had been destroyed in some eons old war (more likely)

please, @Tywin, tell me why supervoids exist? and also defend your hypothesis that we are alone in the universe

i won't flame you i just want to know how you can possibly hold such an arrogant opinion as to think you've personally figured out the exact fate of 100 million to the power of 100 billion worth of star systems and their subsequent planets (many of which we know to be covered in water, that thing from which all life on our planet originated)

i'm genuinely curious how anyone can hold such an insanely naive view

i'll read sun and steel if you read the three body problem trilogy

btw the dark forest hypothesis is infinitely more likely than the fermi paradox

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