Amateur Programmer Thread

He wants to use ai to beat the stock market

Its actually a very simple idea but that's obvious. The strategy is what is valuable. Im going to be pre-existing API's from already constructed sites as a tie-in


obviously I'm not going to tell you my brilliant idea lmao

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if the barrier to entry for creating your "brilliant idea" is reading a paragraph post about it online (in the amateur programmer thread nonetheless) it's garbage.


It's a mafia bot that looks at people's last login time to figure out who is the mafia. Read between the lines lol

Nice try Numeta but we already built that years ago!


Everyone does that. The best opportunities for new products are probably more limited by engineering skill than anything. If you want to make a good product it probably starts with good engineers. Otherwise, you are most likely wasting your time

Nah my app doesn't require fancy shit. It's very basic.

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Your app? You dont have an app

You should tell us more about it.

Not a chance. It's my baby


If you're in the HSV area you're invited to the Rust Meetup where I will be doing a presentation.

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impl<const D: usize, const NB: usize, T: random_proj::ProjLSH<T, D>> HashANN<D, NB, T>
    [(); pow2(NB)]:,
    Standard: Distribution<T>,

I don't feel like this is the best way to do this.

Any of yall have a good pattern for public get private set in C++. Haven't done much c++ in a while and i feel like the way im doing it is rather clunky. Googling isn't the most helpful.

I have just been making the variables protected/private and then i have a lil public section on the bottom of my header files with a bunch of inline getters, but this feels clunky.


Make the variables public. Grow up.


absolutely not lmao

i think the lil public inline section at the bottom is fine. I kinda had a realization this weekend that if i keep wanting c++ to have 'new language features' im never gonna learn good patterns for working in c++ and will probably write worse code.

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how do i get started in c++ as a hobbyist?

You dont