Anon Death Note Mafia - Days 1 - 5

@mafiabot lynch @anon_rohan

Liar or role blocked

Does any town still have a name shot?

Why would they roleblock me unless Rohan is scum

what makes you even think I’m lying

Not you rohan

I mean you could be lying but I think you are more town than rohan

I wanted to lynch him yesterday now I want to lynch him more

Ok well who is other mafia and why vince?

Idk maybe it’s just Jordan and Rohan

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Other way around might be easier I guess

Why does it feel like you’re not even talking to me

Distracted at the moment. Not really expecting much from you

Well I don’t expect anything from you either fuck boy

Run that mouth around me bitch

The whole game kind of been like shit so its whatever

I need to drink some coffee and cum hol up

Sam varonica and jordan should be fucking zeused

Dan nice 30 posts a game minimum game

So that's prolly 2 scum in jordan and sam and then it should just be a three way with Vince rohan and i