another one

For me personally it was walking 2 hours to Mafia Maniac's home to try to set up a nice place for myself (for us both?) on her front lawn only to be modkilled by Ian, her minecraft boyfriend, minutes later

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what I was told is that ian, mafiamaniac, and ■■■ all met up IRL and that's why she's on the forum.

the thought of inviiting my girlfriend to join the fucking namafia forum website is so absolutely ■■■■■■■■ I can only imagine that dans desire to "drum up user conversions" extends to his real life persona.


Agreed - these guys are the degenerates, not us.

how the fuck is osiris chastising me for "sharing my personal info online" and then being harassed and then boohooing over me harassing some ■■■■■■ ditz on this website: maybe don't invite your fucking girlfriend to the website.


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Why speculate at all lol. You're going to be wildly offbase in any case :)

I can vouch that what he said was true

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It's not Good for your mental. the reality of those things is never really as fantastical as you may possibly imagine. Life sucks and is boring. People would rather post about their inane and pointless life experience like "hot today out in x. People complain too much about hot days!" (Literal blog thread Convo).

Anyways, I'm just complaining because it feels like you're trying to get a PR on a Speedrun for running people off a shit random website for no reason. Just let people enjoy their moment of wasted free time. I think you've even said yourself that it's obvious that this site offers some modicum of relief for others. So why piss in the pool? And is being judged for it really unreasonable?

dude you are getting to the point where you barely even speak like a human being

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Yeah it's fun

I think it's more productive than the polar opposite

you literally migrated a userbase off of

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Poorly, mind you

i am basically being told "dont be sexist" by the woman and then you guys are telling me it's bad to hit a girl. because we all know I'm treating this woman the exact same as I treat all of you


through my ENTIRE time on this website, NYTE DID NOT LEAVE

If you tried to pull this shit ("hit a girl" metaphor) on less wrong they'd call you a reductive reasoner until you cracked

nyte maintained her presence on this website even while I went from PLEASE NYTE COME BACK TO ME to GRAPHICALLY THREATENING TO MURDER HER WITH A HAMMER

YOU PEOPLE ran her off, not me.

Okay. I don't know anything but that was in the distant past (as far as this small shit website goes) and this just happened. Can we call it even now maybe? I just don't see any reason to kick sand in face

Like as a smart person who likes to define efficient systems you sure wasting a lot of power here. And I'm not suggesting you leave, I really do enjoy a good chunk of your diatribe. I just don't see any reason to keep the cycle of hurt going