Anti Trumpism general

can you show me what you’re referring to?

the thing that slowdive is referring to


(president voice) THANK YA EVERYBODY -- I LOVE YU GUYS

the other things more important and wont artificially cause an economic downturn

it did pass for the record but its not your fault for not being in the loop youre cucknadian

it just says that the number has trippled because of a “surge of new arrivals”

the fuck is he really supposed about that aside from building new infastructure which takes time

he also set up a task force specifically designed to reunite seperated children with their parents, so yeah not really understanding this narrative

it’s called a ‘crisis’ for a reason lol

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ok i sleep now seeya kids

enjoy your stimmy gamers


Best thing I ever did in life was greybox insom


Except you jumped on any criticism of Biden trying to shut it down

I said multiple times I'd prefer Bernie

Show me where I said "Biden is objectively good" cus I really dont think I ever said that, it was all in the context of "Biden is a better option than Trump" which I firmly believe

and bashing everything wrong with Biden without putting in the context of the last 4 years of Trump and the prospect of another 4 years of Trump just seems like a bad faith argument to me

the man literally just lies 24/7 and spreads ridiculous disinformation and has radicalized a ton of people, another 4 years of that would be like pretty NOT good

First 2 are same as any establishment politician. Getting mad at radicals is getting mad he kicked dirt. You create enemies. You are a 105 IQ 18-24 cookie template

Mind you ian did vote for trump

Likely because he was looking for a father figure because he has had none in his life and due to ians aspergers he fell for trumps false confidence

Not responsive at all, dipshit

You don't think trump daddy was confident? That's like the one thing he had going for him

He's a popularist