Anti Trumpism general

gotta stop letting the canadians get to me


that party didnt have nearly the popular support trump and his crew did/does

it was a tiny fringe party

and if he gets them out of Afghanistan thatā€™s still better than what Trump or Obama did in the region. he was only VP bsck then and Iā€™d imagine its typical for a VP to vote on all the same things his President does, but regardless, maybe he supported the war back then and no longer does? peoples opinions can change

Do you have opinions on the politics of literally any country other than the US? Because if you do then youā€™re a hypocrite, and if you donā€™t youā€™re probably narrow minded. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with caring about what other countries do, more people should. Not to mention the most powerful country on earth that I share a language and a land border with. It would be kinda weird if I didnā€™t care tbh

idk how you guys can see a summit featuring current republican congress about ā€œanglo saxon political idealsā€ and not be alarmed

show me one thing thatā€™s equivalent in the last 15 years featuring actual congressmen

Majorie Taylor Greene might be the most insane politician iā€™ve ever seen in the US and quite a few Trump supporters like her

Trump himself called her ā€œa future republican starā€

thatā€™s the jewish space lasers are causing wildfires lady btw. Trump has absolutely normalized/popularized all sorts of batshit insane rhetoric, including but not limited to mask off white supremacy.

im not talking about caring, im talking about living it. you act like trump made all these things mainstream but while he did make it his brand he didn't make these people the way they are. a lot of that is on the democrats for shear incompetency/complacency. if i agree with anything it's that trump did take the mask off, and i dont know what it's like in canada but there's a lot of pieces of shit who live here who would be exactly who they are with or without trump

he can't understand that, because he can't understand the system that perpetuates it (a la being unwilling to accept "racism" and "sexism" from their systemic basis, rather than individual to individual. very big brain thinking a society is operating on the premise of being a bunch of individuals. doubt humans ever get that enlightened)

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Holy shit the Trump apologists on this site are insane


delete your lies and apologize

Lol you're fucking stupid as hell

It's been growing in the mainstream with the major inflection point being the advent of the Tea Party and their subsequent folding into the mainstream GOP. The Federalist Society has engaged in a very successful project since the 1980's to dismantle all civil rights protections. Just because you didn't notice doesn't mean that it wasn't the mainstream lmao

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its ok insom i dont pay attention to this nerdy stuff either

some fucking goober in mesopotamia invented agriculture and now i have to have a credit score and jdance gets to post bathroom selfies



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i never said systemic sexism and racism dont exist, I just believe its also possible for women to be sexist to men and black people raicst to white people, thats all.

in fact its not even a belief, itā€™s a widely accepted fact. this ā€œreverse racism/sexism arenā€™t real memeā€ comes from echo chambers that give the people saying the illusion anything other than a tiny minority of people agree with them.

I even said in my previous posts that there are different forms of sexism/racism

downplaying the negative impact of trump to own the libs

comparing tea party republicans to the batshit insane brainwashed republicans of today, thats a good one

how many attempted insurrections did the tea party movement carry out again?

yes but now they feel emboldened enough to talk about it openly, which has a domino effect, and also ends up converting people to that way of thinking who WERENT that way before

social media has a lot to do with that as well though

They're literally the same. You also ignore the fact that all the meaningful policy changes promoting white supremacy have been the result of the conservative legal project that goes back to the 60's/70's and started achieving its goals in the 80's. White supremacy has always been the mainstream

Small brain Canadian continues to comment on American politics that he knows nothing about kekw