Anti Trumpism general

Everyone in Japan just calls it "makku" But the full name is makkudonarudo


Defending a country where everyone started lisping because the server owner was doing it


Good article on how dire Boeing's situation is.

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should i post articles about life in russia? what do you think you're proving here

boeing having problems doesn't make america a worse country than fucking russia bud

go move there

but Russia is undeniably better than Canada.

uhhh nope

i dont have to go fight and die in a war, i think that alone is enough to make it far better lmao

let alone all the other ways I could get into, but i'm not giving you the time (edit: I gave him the time)

being a US ally, on good terms with 95% of the world, good global reputation, protected by the strongest army of all time, part of NATO the strongest military alliance in history, some of the kindest people in the world and a genuine culture of loving your neighbour (this isn't really true in huge cities like Toronto or Van, but it's true in small/medium sized places like where I live)

we can produce enough electricity if we need to, we have the means, we can make enough food for our people, even if shit hits the fan we can sustain ourselves pretty good, and if it doesn't we're living sweet being USA's bestie and a NATO member

resulting in: a constant sense of security and safety for as long as you can remember, since you were born


hated by the world except Iran, NK, Hungary, Serbia, and terminally online losers who've been browsing /po/ since they were 14

terrible building quality, depressing underdeveloped towns

corrupted local councils who do not fix problems (highway north from moscow to sibera, a very important truck route, took over 10 years to get fixed resulting in dozens of truck driver deaths)

get arrested for holding a blank piece of paper, taken to prison, beaten, and have a metal rod shoved in my asshole

constantly afraid of being watched by some type of security service this also applies to to americans who have CP in your computer or something equally sketchy,. but I think we can all agree that's deserved

no labour unions, illegal to form a union, very little labour rights and typically tyrannical bosses of big companies

few companies control like 80% of the wealth

almost everywhere that isn't moscow, st petersburg, rostov, smolensk, vladivostok, and few others I cant think of, anywhere that isn't there is probably given zero help, and I mean zero from the federal govt. resulting in growing up in 20 years of decay since the last time any govt took care of your town (this is true for THOUSANDS of towns, russia is HUGE)

OR and this is even more common, you're given SOME help, a LITTLE help, and... it's all stolen by your local official, lmao.

horrific cold weather 75% of the time, the other 25% can be summed up by people trying to sitting by a tiny shitty marsh in a swampy bog, being swarmed by thousands of mosquitos, grilling shakshi and pretending theyre having a good time because theres no snow and theyre technically near water (they get wasted to cope with the shittiness of it all)

literally the lowest life expectancy for males in any first world country, or really any country in the world

we're talking mid 60s vs early 80s, highest rate of alcoholism in the world, huge population of middleaged/older folks who lived through horros and are just hopeless alcoholics

alcohol is a state owned enterprise since the tzar times, which means there is a constant and infinite supply of INTENTIONALLY CHEAP vodka, literally designed to help the state maintain power over it's people (look it up)

resulting in: a constant sense of hopelessness, anxiety and depression since you were born and for as long as you can remember

god I really could go on, but I wanna do other things now

tough choice eh

  • Where would you rather live in 2024?
  • Canada
  • Russia
0 voters
  • Which country would you rather have been born in?
  • Canada
  • Russia
0 voters

Yeah you probably have a high paying Canadian job that allows you to pay for your Canadian home and Canadian groceries.

not really, my parents were both middle class

mother a nurse, dad worked construction/electrician/plumber type stuff. a contractor.

yeah they both help support me, I would not be able to support myself without them, the financial situation is G R I M where I live

still beats Russia by about 10 to the power of 40

that's how many times better it is to be born here and live here than Russia

im racking my brain and the only positive i can really see to being born in russia is quicker queue times for dota2 and CS

that's literally it

I can't think of a single other thing lol

Women are better looking

You think you have it better than these places you talk about economically speaking when you look at the stats “oh they only make in average $500 a month in those small Russian cities” but then you realize like nobody pays fucking rent there or if they do it’s like $100 and food/drinks are like 1/3rd of the price of the US even going out to eat so really what you end up with is they do live better in these places despite being considered “poor” sure they can’t really afford things produced by international companies such as the new iPhone or affording shit like a car is difficult but really life goes on and they are not worried about where they are living and where their next meal is coming from

In America you make 10x the monthly income but everything is 10x more expensive so you tell me what’s better

Here your rent rises by 5% a year due to the increased demand for housing in Russia you just go live with your grandma who’s lived in the same apartment since the Soviet Union and hasn’t paid rent or a utility bill since 1991

As far as the conscription brother I don’t think they’re sending anyone to the front who hasn’t volunteered they’re paying like $4000 a month to send your ass to fight ukranians

Maybe $2000, whatever it’s a ton of money to people who usually make like $500 a month.

no, it goes way beyond me "not realizing" that their money goes really far for them

it's the horrible repressive govt. dude. they literally arrested people for holding empty pieces of paper. it's straight up 1984 over there.