ARENA FPS thread

the entire north american reflex community getting together

its awful tbh, just use right click



i have not lsot a single game since the zoom mod install

holy fuck it’s 3 am on a monday

cant wait to make my crosshair visible with another epic mod

slowdive vs rapha :pog::pog::pog::pog::pog:



glad ur enjoying the game tbh ))

"what even is this shit
%70 efficiency on bolt?
do u
do u even know
know how aids that is"

Hey I feel the same way

Yakuza 0 too good btw


nobody wants to duel

what game

add me on steam if u wanna duel im pretty rusty tho so be warned

reflex arena, theres a ton of new NA players coming back and old pros coming to coach and shit, its actually pretty crazy

Ready to ger annihilated by brendan

He’s not that good I beat him many times in QC.

Im not good either, I can click and predict but im unused to having access to arena stuff like IC/rail/armor so basically im as good as a good soldier player from tf2

How does a duel end 5-3