ARENA FPS thread

i was doing a lot of RJs and accidentally killing myself which takes from my score, besides that i was trying super hard to rat from slowdive just to learn how to play like that. normally im ridiculously aggressive because it catches people offguard lmao

At least it’s better than qc 3 life system. I’m busy in minecraft these days cant play

nma has not once come even close to being near a winning situation when we have dueled in QC, a game with instagib mechanics. we have over 150 duels and i’ve not lost once.

Lying isn’t funny

any1 wanna play rn

damn i don’t even remember losing to you

was i playing serious or teaching you? also u should join the noobie league discord

simplicity has like 2 green armors and wide spaces so you can rat and spam rail as mcuh as u want. it’s a low score for a reflex/cpma duel but not QL or vq3

nice weap usage on that duel

hey this shit is on sale

this is definitely worth the 5 bucks its on sale for

or get a 4 pack so u can play with your bad friends

worst reflex player here ama

how do i go from beating d3th at a qc lan from getting ruthlessly raped in reflex

quake champions xdee

also BIG Announcement here:

i have 3 reflex arena keys to give away, post here why u think you desreve one

go on i know u fuckers wanna play we already got 4 namafia boys in our squad lets dominate this SCENE

You just get these for free?

Very nice Inside connections.

If you have absolutely nobody else to give it to I would take it but obviously I would be playing with 120 ping on NA servers or 80 on EU. Put me at bottom priority.

theres 1 rich guy from the UAE that buys keys and puts money into the sparse tournaments that happen. i think he has had like 3 wives. and one of the discord moderator gave me some keys. i got the sickest Inside connects
