ARENA FPS thread

tree needs to duel me on my home territory :angry: i feel like a turtle on opoids with vq3 movement

did I miss the action?

we only played 3 QL duels im really dog shit at it and using a new mouse, but will prolly play some more of it in the future - may as well try to learn it since itā€™ll probably be closest feel to diabotical

Wait, id still wants 10 bucks for this game? lol no thanks.

i know right

also its 5 bucks on sale usually

and if you havent heard of it, go read about diabotical the open beta is probably in the next 2 months - itā€™s made by 2gd lmao

apparently the movement for it is gonna be closest to QW out of any game

Does apex count as arena? This shit is so fun

Or do u mean like csgo where dmā€™ing is still way more fun than it should be

Stop spamming and use google if you're actually wondering what Arena FPS means.
I understand that you're looking for attention to boost your Pathetic twitch stream - but it's just really transparent and cringeworthy, what you're doing here.


God you are such a fuckin funny human being

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Especially cuz both these games can very easily be called arena fps in some way

No intent to be funny - pretending to laugh is even more transparent than spamming the forum for advertisement.

And you just sperg out again cuz I got one over on ya last time

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Imagine being this sad and angry all the time in all facets of life

No, neither of those games would ever be called an arena FPS in a million years. You donā€™t know what the term means and you are just playing dumb.
ā€œAny publicity is good publicityā€ doesnā€™t work here. Look for attention elsewhere.

Yeeesh. For the record heā€™s been here this whole time he just canā€™t think of something worth saying

We are both right here

I am very happy and content actually - as I said, Iā€™m only trying to help you.

Ah yes sorry I forgot to not infringe on the holiness of your little kool kids klub lmfao sorry for posting man!! :slight_smile: