ARENA FPS thread

What does this even mean?

Lmfao jesus

Brick wall is still standing strong whereā€™s my boy Donny T at

Calling out someone acting like a spambot is not gatekeeping - youā€™re just delusional and are in denial. Give it up.

Sorry dude Iā€™ll keep that in mind haha :slight_smile:

Lol haha :slight_smile:

Notice how I literally put lolhaha in my name cuz I figured Iā€™d encounter at least 1 degenerate Iā€™d have to make look fuckin stupid when I came back

You and your buddy whatā€™s his face made it 2 so double what I expected

Ur so god damn stupid predictable and one dimensional that I predicted your fucking responses in my forum name

Cocksucker moron cunt :slight_smile:

Congrats buddy at least people will remember your name now

Where did you get that Iā€™m trying to be ā€œunpredictableā€ and ā€œmultidimensionalā€? Iā€™m just stating the truth and thereā€™s only one truth.

Theyā€™ll say hey youā€™re that fuckin idiot that Loki pwned like 6 times verbally and wasnā€™t enough of a man to just say sorry and move on xD

More lame argument techniques from the peanut gallery here, yawn

Certainly many more people than those who will remember your stream - but people will remember me as a friend and companion, not a failure.

How many times should I genuinely embarrass you before you fuck off and crawl into whatever corner of his shitty website you usually hang out in


A logical fallacy - just standard.


We need to BUILD. A . WALL. A brick wall! And turn into one whenever I look like an idiot! And Mexicoā€™s gonna pay for it! Xd