ARENA FPS thread

Now I understand why you did so well when we played Quakeworld. It was the first time I played a shooter in a while. Hope to play with you again, but I really don’t like 1v1 in shooters. I prefer ffa or team ctf.

here's all of the vods, i play all the upper bracket games.

wait this game costs money? i thought it was a quake mod.

nah its a separate engine

looking for quake champions gamers

I think @jones plays it.

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Please play an alpha quake game. U literally have more than 3 options, quakeworld CPMA reflex quake live

He said hed play ql but I no tengo

quake live is like soccer in slow motion but 1v1

wanna duel in ql? i’m not good btw

jones refuses to download quake live or quake champions. every time i push him to download he says he is busy dming nyte and that quake doesn’t run on linux (which is a lie)

they made it pay to play so i cannot duel Xd

im about to buy black ops 4 fucking this wolrd

ur going down a dark road

Just download Quakeworld for free and play there.

just play anything else lmao

play siege dude

im actually surprsied by how many people play QW,i guess it just goes to show what happens when you make a really good game. their discord is always active and shit.

mostly boomers tho


why not? too grindy or brain oriented? not enough airshooty?

I used to hit sick air shots with pipe bombs in tf2

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