ARENA FPS thread

btw i got another reflex key if anyone wants to play with me and dan

only conndition is you dont load up the game once and never play again


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Ah heck! I don’t want to waste your key so I won’t take it either, definitely won’t be playing more than once. Give it to @anon75925521.

hes a fukking yuro unelss he wants to play with 130 ping

i mean i definitely would give it to benny but the only ppl i know are NA players, theres a big noobie renaissance around here but eu has less



isnt @damir a cpma kid

he trash talked the game tho so idk if he wants it , but its changed a ton since he last played so

again my only requirement is the person actually plays the game 8)


Hey I’m pretty free this week. I’m OK to game pretty much after 6:00pmish EST. I’m east coast btw so central or chi servers are fine for me. I’ve been playing Sorlag exclusively for my last 10 tdm matches so I am a cpma God to be honest

brb 2 hours i hope a key is in my dms

ok w/e i’ll give u the key

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I got a spellbreak code recently and the game is dope af. A lot of items that alter gameplay, interactions between different elements, and really cool mobility. Def can’t wait until it’s more polished

yeah ive been playing it its great, ill play a lot more once they bring the game to west coast servers and better optimization

tfw my sensitivity is off like 0.05%

how do you go up stairs without autohop :thinking:

i finish my training and these are all the players right now

dude join the discord and the noobie discord

you can literaly get a duel any time of day NA hours basically