Artifact Release Party

I don’t exactly remember what nyte and ewiz were Debating - but It’s just really not smart to just go “You Need to Read More About this Topic” when you’re very obviously either wrong or just don’t know what you’re talking abuot.

Some people are just always wrong - no matter how much they read

one of the problems is some people who like to talk the most are the ones who have no clue what they’re talking about but feel the need for everyone to hear it

For example, look at Div; Cmplete retard, very stupid person, just sub-sub-sub-intellect; but thinks he knows anything (He knows nothing) because he read some books in school.

@big_ass please

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My avatar is disabusing you of your brain’s traumatic associations with benny

I wasn’t arguing with her about sexism. It was about racism and other forms of oppression, and she does need to read more about it

Can you elaborate?

sure Whatever - I was just trying to point how some people (div) get caught up with academics and books and ignore reality. Like how you tell people to read on philosophy too. Just not a very clever thing to do on a forum.

Game any good? I’ve been away

Its, , , nothing special.

accomplishments for 2018

became the most hated mafia player on


note: i do not have artifact

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addendum: artishart

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It’s only 18 euro - it’s worth the price.

Still no beta fuuuck

Guys lets talk about Artifat im trying to figure out how i can play this game without putting in a buck

Here you go

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You just play it