Artifact Release Party


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Yeah let me keep going when youā€™ve displayed time and time again how far out of your depth you are

Div speaks, writes, and thinks like a robot. He has no conception of anything about psychology.

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Squat tigger

No, you just post trite gibberish every time you try to discuss anything serious and itā€™s really pathetic.

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Nma go back to drinking your cheap vodkas and communism juice

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with popping a squat. Itā€™s not your fault the cost of labor makes chairs out of reach for the proletariat (of which you are not as you contribute nothing to society, and donā€™t work but itā€™s whatever)

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Div and ewiz are NPCā€™s

This is good - keep posting like this. Just donā€™t try to post your elementary school level Psychology here.

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In my country the things I say are easily digestible by someone with a high school education, for reference

ā€œI read this in collegeā€ Retard

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Nmagane? More like nmagay rofl

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what the fuck is skinnerware because paying a buck sounds like skinnerware

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Itā€™s free now

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who the FUCK does richard garfield think he is

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Get the fuck out of my forum you stupid fucking slav

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Iā€™ll see you all in the nadota draft tournament Iā€™ll be hosting on release , winner gets 15 wongs

ā€œRichard Garfieldā€™s manifestoā€ sounds really funny to think about but probably the worst thing ever to read.

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