
now mahjong rogue like chefs kiss

Have you tried this demo yet? I have no idea how to play it.

To quote the developer:

I am basically just Balatro Mahjong. I'm really trying not to just be Balatro Mahjong, I want to bring something a little different to the table, but I mean cmon right the comparison is obvious and deserved.

balatro is the biggest midwit gamer

Get in the mental hospital room 》 Monkeynews 67n0 ab with bre 》nope 32 min 57 sec BWL speedrun time

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The Auro Asked ; Are you Jilsen because you are a griefer or are you a griefer because you're Jilsen?

Jilsen replied: Stand proud you are raidleader but Nah, I'd grief.

When it comes to taking orders i'm not really flawless because Across Heaven and Earth; I alone, am the griefer one.

In that video we wipe half of our DPS on Firemaw due to incompetent tanks. No griefing needed there.
Would've been a ~23 minute run if not for that.

Tell me you suck at Balatro without telling me you suck at Balatro.

I am on Gold Stake with multiple decks. It's a very easy and straightforward game.
You literally just click the highest number on the screen

Sorry I don't enjoy spending my time doing Highschool-Level math. Video games are supposed to offer a bit more than that.

He’s baiting. He knows it’s good

I literally said it's good. but a good game can still be super boring and repetitive after a couple hours.

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I mean if he played the roguelites maybe the bosses would be better, there’d be more choice or the unlock mech wouldn’t be locked behind doing dumb builds.

But given that he didn’t and still made this I’m relatively impressed. I really do think you ruined it for yourself by not unlocking normally.

I don’t even think it’s that great of streamer bait. It’s funny to watch people streaming it and a wave of comments being like “I have no idea what’s going on!” They just like the flashing numbers and sounds. It is pretty good presentation

I do t think I would’ve logged nearly the same amount of hours with the unlock button. It would feel much more boring

No I'm pretty sure I would get absolutely nothing from going through the unlock/progression cycle.
I have hated it in every roguelite I've played and have 0 regrets unlocking everything.
What's the point of unlocking everything if you're going to stop playing after you're 100% unlocked? I'd rather start with 100% and stop when I get bored.

Maybe it’s a hot take but I believe most people naturally ascribe to the idea of drip fed content. Otherwise your favorite YouTubers wouldn’t sit on content, companies like Nintendo wouldn’t sit on predeveloped games, etc

It's very high quality stream material.
Viewers get to passively watch cards that they are familiar with, flashing colors and numbers, with big red flames effects. Everyone knows poker hands, it's second hand gambling at its finest.

Are you trying to tell me something I don't know? I literally have unlockables in my own roguelike game even after everything I said.

I thought we here at Namafia were above that though, a higher class of gamers.

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Your average viewer is uninformed (average person really) and for example doesn’t know what any of the fuckin jokers do. It’s not very intuitive, especially if game speed is turned up. The streamer could teach them and slow their play, but it ruins it for the enlightened balachad