Ban Me Please

if this site gets bigger the entertainment value goes up. we get new posters. if they are some 80iq monkeys that just joined the internet thats gonna be so entertaining. this isnt gonna become worldstar or whatever but more people = more fun holds true in most cases


it’s obviously not. you should elaborate a bit further.

I know you realize that there are very Clear differences between a mafia bot and attemping to make this site a “big gaming brand”

For the record tribunals were supposed to be primarily to get rid of new frequent posters that people in the lounge did not like, in my mind. Not for refugees to vote each other off the island

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and whats wrong about getting money? divine is working on our entertainment in his fucking free time. if he wants to make some 100 dollars a month from his free work lol then so it be

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Is this website written in C? Because I only write in C/ASM nowadays.

the refugees voted off the island thing made me laugh


hey jones, welcome! good to see ya

Yeah I was just messing around but you’re really starting to annoy me. It should be obvious that none of that shit is really relevant right now. This site is basically 8 days old

its written in badlang

Well you should develop stronger mental fortitude if you’re starting to get “Really Annoyed” in 8 days

nma is honestly a good contribution for now. even if 90% of his points are just pessimistic bs he makes us(or rather just you) think more about whats good and whats not

It’s a very important quality for an admin to have

What’s the address for the namafia hidden service?

Yes I agree

I’m going to suspend you if you keep it up. I’m not going to bother accommodating somebody I don’t want to talk to anymore at this point. You’re just a constant thorn in my side and it’s fucking annoying. Don’t you have better things to do?

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You gonna lock signups too?

No just suspend you

locking signups is the worst shit you can do