
You're either loaded up on adderall or intentionally griefing

? What?

hes implying youre lying cuz theres no good reason why that should happen

hes partially right there, unless youre retriggering the post request by messing with your navigation history it shouldnt ever send multiple post requests

altho on our end we dont really do anything about duplicate posts, because a long time ago "we" decided that the bar for duplicate posts should be nil so that people can post whatever they want

Lol, no. I'm on wireless data. I hit reply. It stalls out posting for 30 seconds to a minute then posts twice. You can see in the mafia thread where that happened: the one triple post was when I fucked with the navigation while it was posting

Yup, it is a known issue with intermittent connectivity when you get rid of the limiter: https://meta.discourse.org/t/double-posting-when-suffering-from-internet-connectivity-issues/25444/5

This is just wrong. The client probably tries to resend the message after hanging, and then discourse for some reason allows both to be sent. Not sure whether it's the client that's trying to send only two because whatever reason or if it's from the saving while hitting reply. My guess is the latter: the client sends the request: if the device loses connection, the saved reply is then sent when brought back online, and the original request is also sent.

i don't see an issue with making itt:blog pt. 2 pt. 3, etc.

also we can't actually make subforums within subforums since lounge is technically subforum of general

Interesting: it must be a low connectivity, not no connectivity problem. I tried sending a post with airplane mode on. On the client, post count immediately updated, but the post hung on saving and turning airplane mode off didn't fix the hang. It's definitely something happening with client-side and server-side updates not being synced correctly.

A side note: even through abandoning posts and navigating through the site, I couldn't make that post until I refreshed entirely. Even though I canceled the hanging post and that showed up client side, nothing happened. I hit reply, no saving, nothing like that. Just no response from the reply button. The client-server interactions must be super fucked

All of his suggestions are the opposite of what people want and he typed out a bunch of long posts and @'d a bunch of people for them

Hence: Either trying to insidiously grief the site big-benny style or on drugs

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? You can prevent reposting the exact same post without rate limiting overall posts. I see no reason why the same user would need to make the exact same post twice in 10 seconds.

The only other suggestion I made was breaking up the blog thread. It may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but the scaling issues with discourse have become very problematic now. A separate subforum with the same configuration as the lounge to only contain blog threads solves the issue. What other problem is there with that? Cross thread quoting and replying gets rid of any complaints you might have

I @'ed three people who know/have experience with the discourse code base to ask a question about intermittent connectivity issues. It was dismissed, but it turns out it's a known issue. There are packages that allow you to configure no rate limiting on posts, just rate limiting on duplicate posts by the same account. After cursory examination, I believe it can be controlled at the single thread level so you can still cross post without issue

I have no clue how suggesting usability improvements to the site and bug fixes is griefing or indicative of drug use. You're just being a fucking moron, as usual


Care to explain?

You knew about the limiter already because you used to follow me around the website posting "shut up, ■■■■■■" after every post. Especially funny that you now post "I see no reason someone would make the same post over and over again blah blah blah"

It was removed because people don't want to be babysat by a website - and expressed this loudly any time they encountered one of Jeff Asswood's dumb "convenience 'features'" (yes you have to make the air quotes with your fingers twice when reading that)

Nobody else is complaining about this double-posting issue except for you - you have suggested making the website worse in order to fix a non-issue and typed out a bunch of long posts about it

Same for the blog thread. It was already discussed and people don't want it fucked with, they like the massive dumping ground of 30k+ posts. There's no reason to believe it's responsible for site performance issues. And people hate when moderators fuck around with their threads, move them, try to control what and where they post, etc.

So once again, a change people don't want proposed as solution to a non-issue

In the future don't @ me with this stuff - if you can convince dan to make the website worse (you definitely can, he gets absolutely pumped for this stuff) more power to you but if I see it I will call it griefing, which it is.

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Uhh, yes there is.

Yeah, I knew about the fucking rate limiter. I know why it's off. Turning it on wasn't what I suggested you fucking moron

You're still an insufferable, stupid piece of shit. Who'd have guessed?

What he thinks:

What he says:

What the thread says: Jeff Asswood thinks you should turn on his dumb babysitting features to cover up design flaws in his forum software

You're just speculating about a bunch of shit, forming wrong conclusions, suggesting bad fixes based on those wrong conclusions, and then crying like a little child when I tell you you're wrong

This is why I say you're griefing because there's no way an actual human being operates like this, thinks these thoughts, and posts these posts