Bully me!

game of 12 where everyone is in a circle facing the center, each 30 degrees apart, but you don’t know the positions of the people in the circle.

there are 4 mafia and 1 vigilante with laser pointers that will kill people

there are 2 town reflectors and 1 mafia reflector holding a mirror. they will be revealed as a reflector at the start of the game

if you can correctly guess who is directly across from you by saying “[player] is across from me!” the host will announce their role


(when people die they are replaced by a placeholder dummy or something)

Do you get to move around


Now this is a workable setup

You can add a transporter and an invisible man. Every night stage each player can move 1 square (game exists on an abstracted grid) and some squares have columns that block light. SK ability will be to lay lava traps on a chosen square but he only gets 3

This would not play well with our playerbase, but I like the setup

I think it’d work much better as a 15 min day phse discord game

There is also a guy who can place portals around the edge of the arena

Lasers that enter those portals at an angle exit their partner portal at the same angle

The challenge is to find the people emitting lasers and inform them that what they are doing is unsafe.

pictographer looks fun ))

can we add a helicopter role in this so we can point our lasers illegally at the helicopter during the game in case we get bored or the talking is slow

No - that would be illegal and they would shut down the forum

Isn’t the forum hosted in zimbabway

it’s hosted on a cloud server which is actually inside of a drone flying 3 miles above the bermuda triangle.

i believe the forum hosts did this to evade the authorities, so we can do anything on this website.

My favorite mafia game is still the first one I played where it was closed and Sdad fake-claimed vigi and Jones fake-claimed monks.

In my very first game friend played really good and since then I have always argued with people when they tried to call friend bad

Friend actually had great reads last game.

Klaze had an idea about a 9-player game based on a tic-tac-toe board. I liked that one.

Can’t play solved games (tic tac toe, chess, dota, etc)

He’s an incredibly talented town player, his Scum performance has lacked a lot recently though.

The tic-tac-toe game had 2 win conditions: Standard win or 3 in a row.


Also, I still want to play medical mafia, but every time I suggest it deepthroat calls me a retard.