CBD too high now

you're just making random claims that doctors are prescribing their patients and recommending that they take CBD oil and using that as your proof that it is conclusively proved to help certain symptoms. I think you're actually stupid at this point

Which patients and which doctors?

"weed cant be trademarked bro, big Pharma doesn't want it to come out because they cant make money from it brooooo, its all fucked up broooo. smoke weed broooo it cures cancer BROOO"

buh buh buh wuh bou da eff dee ayy


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Which patients and which doctors?

I'm not going to google things for you, even somebody as stupid as you is perfectly capable of doing that for yourself

I never said CBD cures cancer, either. Stop strawmanning.

The fact you even think it matters is really showing of your intelligence. I like how you're trying to discredit the FDA and calling me an idiot for being skeptical towards the claims made by CBD manufacturers. Not saying it doesn't have medicinal uses, but nothing is conclusively linked to it yet like you are claiming. You are some random retard on the internet with no credentials or reputation among the medical community, you have no idea what you're talking about in general or in a scientific sense either as you seem to think that patients and doctors taking CBD for random things means its conclusively proven as effective. The FDA may not be perfect in all situations and may have have issues with corruption, but you are just making things up at this point in an attempt to discredit a vital government agency that regulates medical and dietary supplements while you have nothing to do with any medical related field or you're at such a low position your opinion does not matter.

You are unable to separate fact from opinion, its a symptom of a mind ruined by marijuana.

Am gunna type more words in quotes dat wasn't sed, lol, me very good argue


Beyond a reasonable doubt?? and you try and link CBD to climate change denialism LMFAO

congrats, you fell for the CBD marketing scam

Yes, when hundreds of thousands of people take something for a certain thing, and they all say that it has dramatically helped them with that thing, that is proof that it works

corporate sheep

Don't take my word for it, here is one of those studies that you claimed hadn't been done

You can pretend like you read it and then type more pointless bullshit

Hundreds of thousands of people have not taken CBD oil for anything and hundreds of thousands of people also sign up for MLM scams because they think its a viable economic opportunity. Hundreds of thousands of people believe in astrology and believe it improves their life, hundreds of thousands of people rub essential oils on their face to improve their chakra's. what the fuck is your point dude?

I won't read it though

Conclusion: Consumers are using CBD as a specific therapy for multiple diverse medical conditions—particularly pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. These data provide a compelling rationale for further research to better understand the therapeutic potential of CBD.

I don't think too many doctors go around prescribing essential oils or going on record talking about their benefits, funny how they do that for CBD though