CBD too high now

it's pretty impressive that you managed to cram so much bullshit into so small a post, I haven't smoked weed in about four years and you have no idea what my thoughts are on if it's harmless or anything else

I don't think it's entirely harmless, safe however, absolutely, how could you possibly attempt to argue otherwise

good for you? CBD certainly is, objectively, factually, and without question, but you don't have to smoke weed for that

again though, you have exactly zero idea what my thoughts are on this so I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your middle school D.A.R.E tier, slurred, unnecessarily aggresive and embarassingly stupid words out of my mouth. if you want to know what I think about something, you can feel free to ask me.

I do understand why a formerly homeless heroin addict with brain damage and a criminal past would project his own self hatred onto people who can ACTUALLY manage to use drugs recreationally without ruining their lives, I do, that's not lost on me, but you should really learn to respond to the things people actually say, instead of making random leaps and strawmanning them four times in the same post on the assumption that those leaps you took are true


thinking cbd isn't gonna turn up with subtle long term downsides like nsaids and other anti inflammatory meds is cringe and bluepilled

I'll leave that up to the scientists who study drugs like that for a living

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Theres been little to no medical studies about CBD and the benefits it has for other people so why don't you "leave it up to the scientists" before you make claims about it buddy. You're actually just retarded and have posted nothing in your post that forms an actual logical argument that supports marijuana being as harmless as you claim and instead resorted to ad hominem attacks on my character which don't actually mean anything to me or the argument at hand. Keep trying buddy, maybe one day you'll take the red pill and quit being a pussy.

We are but space dust in the cosmos. Your contributions to the sand castle will be eroded when the tide comes in. Just do your thing. Life is crazy and weird, and no one knows wtf is going on. How are you going to try and take a moral low ground to explain to people they are degenerates when you can't even explain your existence?

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Yes there have, lmfao

show me some FDA approved CBD treatments buddy


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" To say smoking weed is as harmless as watching tv or playing video games is severely retarded"

" I just wish you dumb ass stoners would stop"

"as part of your delusional stoner culture. "

" Get a real hobby you fucking pothead loser.. "

Also you: Oh my goodness you typed ad hominem insults that contribute nothing to the discussion at hand!

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I'm a huge fan of this character you're playing

laughing at the FDA lol

this guy is great

"im so counter culture bro u cant trust the government agency that approves all medical and dietary supplements just because its a 3 letter agency broooo smoke weed broooo"

"u cant trust the government agency that approves ALL medical and dietary supplements"

So do you think the USA is the only country in the world.... or?

Are hundreds of studies (which you didn't even seem to be aware of), thousands of doctors, hundreds of thousands of patients just not relevant to you because the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_Food_and_Drug_Administration agency that said OxyCodone was a safe an non addictive drug, has a long history of making shady and bullshit decisions that have routinely made people sick and put them in danger, for profit matters above all else

I'm suprised that a former heroin addict, who most likely got started on a drug like oxycodone to begin with isn't a little more skeptical towards the agency that pushed for this drug to be mass prescribed and said it wasn't addictive.

laughing at the FDA lol

I'm not laughing at the FDA, I'm laughing at the fact you think their opinion of CBD matters at all when it's been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it's extremely good for helping people with certain issues, such as PTSD, anxiety, sleep disorder, pain management, etc.

Those things will all still be factually true regardless of what the FDA does or does not say, it's not up for debate.

Do you also think climate change is "still up in the air" because some random American agency doesn't acknowledge it?

Also the only reason the FDA has not done any FDA approved studies on CBD is because they know fucking well what they would say, and they know it would be very bad for their super cool friends who give them billions upon billions of dollars every year to green light whatever new pill they've come up with

If you take issue with the fact the FDA has not done a study on CBD that sounds like an issue you should take up with them, the fact they haven't yet in 2019 is fucking embarassing and sounds like a failure to the American people to me. Good thing other agencies in other countries that aren't corrupt shitholes have actually done that themselves

it has not been proved beyond a reasonable doubt like you claim. There have been some studies but nothing conclusively linking it to the benefits you’re claiming. You’re literally making shit up and I’m being unironic now

It's not me who claims it, it's the patients that take it for the issues I described, and the doctors who prescribe it and see the improvements in their patients. They are the ones who say it works for them.

That actually doesn't mean much at all dude lol.

you're unironically using the "conspiracy against the American people by three letter agencies" argument LMAO