Clown Nine Plus Plus - Day 5

Ian was probably the MVP all around

I repeat myself.

Yeah ian was my scummiest tell for a while, but he later came around and was a town tell 90% for me.
On the last day I knew nyte was the SK because epok and ian were town telling so hard.

I’ve given Nyte credit when I thought she played well and she’s one of the better players on the site. But I don’t think it’s a good look to go around talking down on other players (I’m fine with the shittalk towards the scum team, we played bad) when I don’t think she played that well herself

I agree and I think she must be going through some personal issues right now. Most of her posts are very negative lately.

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Thanks @Roragok

Remind me who I’m downtalking again? Other than you and most notably arguing the pick call which was mostly facetious because again if you think I almost won idk what to tell you. Sure it wasn’t a guarauntee that bazinga would have lynched with me but the likelihood was much higher than I think you’re giving credit for.

So the “downtalking” I *think you’re talking about is in regards to me simply saying I chose to play this game on a more difficult level. I didn’t cut it and part of that was my time commitment and having the wind a little out of my sails as a result.

So I will push back if I’m hearing shit like I had some dumb early game. Like doing this on a faster pace with the workload I’ve had was actually a bit fucking tricky, and playing with two new and very loud players also presented its own challenge.

But altogether I enjoyed the game. Just back off YOUR shittalking dude. You are the one downtalking, go back and read. You’ve pulled me out when I wasn’t even talking to you.

Is everything ok

Asking for krazykat

I didn’t read the post (life is short) but I think you played good I thought you were town bazingaboy thought I mishammered everyone’s fine

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The only people who didn’t play well are kyle

And everyone else

Mostly kyle


i awarded you the mvp badge ian :)

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i think it would be sus if i suddenly swapped playstyles to non chaotic so for now ill stick with it

Yeah be you Bud as long as youre forming good reads and shit


This doesn’t seem fair and equitable at all