Clown Nine Plus Plus - Day 5

I meme most of the time here because if I take it too seriously I get pissed when people dont take it seriously and lose my shit. So my way of coping with it is to mix meme in with trying hard.

I play serious with people who play serious (klaze). I talk shit to players who don’t play serious (abu). And I talk shit to you (kyle) cause you are super thick headed most of the time. I litereally tried to WORK with you, gave you reads and DIDNT troll when shit got serious and yet you continued your bad tunnel on me.

All I can say really is play more and try to learn from your mistakes.

if you can’t read me properly at least give me 2 days to start lynching scum instead of tunneling me into oblivion otherwise dont waste my time.

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I think Ian did well this game, that’s definitely his best game on namafia. I think dan did pretty well all things considered. Bazinga has consistent moments of clarity it’s just that sometimes once he gets them all else becomes unseeable lol. And agubar has good instincts but he can’t wrap up his game to get town United or moving forward, but that’ll evolve I hope.

I’m going to have to comment in support of this because it is the way I saw events play out as well. Being new to both players I withheld my better judgement for most of early game (and also not knowing this scenario - completely missing the setup confirming Kyle after faz was lynched)

That being said I’d call Kyle the one who botched faz’ lynch the most because he should have known the risk, being full doc. Looks like playing for scum in retro LOL SORRY INNOCENT CHILD also I’m lynching our 1 shot doc

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watching from the outside I was convinced faz was 100% town by the point his reaction to the doc claim happened

1 shot docs such a meme. Faz disagreed with me that it would’ve been good to use night 1 on innocent child but again, why is that a bad flip for n1? I was pretty certain that Jerry would flip if he didnt get doced and then when he did I kinda just assumed that there was something up. Like there were no other outed PRs or super Towny people, so why not just use your 1 shot ability quickly and then tell town you did. Its just sitting on a single protect charge that seems worthless here if youre being scumread a ton and it might clarify the setup a little more. it’ll atleast get town off you quicker than getting grilled, looking off and then throwing that claim on top the day after a confirmed PR flips


The game where I got a gun and shot myself was pretty good

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well its bad cuz we had a real doc who shoulda doced me n1 i think


Because I could use my save on a better PR or use it to clear someone later in game.

I’d say playing intentionally scummy as SK is generally bad play since you’ll almost always end up in 2v1 situations (scum will usually have sniffed you out as well in a 2v1v1) and it’ll became blatantly obvious that you’re the SK (both me and faZ called it in post-game). Also, taking invest instead of bulletproof in this game (with vigi only having a slightly lower chance of appearing, would be used in roughly the same way) is also very questionable.

Maybe if you breadcrumbed PR or something and you could out as something believable the last day? I don’t know but I don’t see how you ever win the game playing like that

Everyone played well this game. Can everyone stop big-dicking and just thank the host for hosting this great game?

@Roragok Thanks for hosting a great game that was a nail-biter until the very end.

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Killing off the best players was her strat. It almost worked. She almost won.

I think almost always the correct play in that situation as SK is to take bulletproof and play as towny as possible

But if you take BP and mafia hit you and you live, then they know who you are and can kill you whenever they want.

I guess, but having to use 2 nights to kill a SK is extremely bad for scum (also, if you play towny there’s a chance you’d also get the doc on you) RB also exists.

just be towny looooooool

just dont get nk'd by mafia loooooool

Not saying Nyte played like complete shit, but she definitively wasn’t close to a MVP in my opinion

She lived longer than you and almost won the game. Give her some credit.


Sure is better than having your strategy being as scummy as possible and hoping to somehow win the game