thank god u were starting to worry me. u slept very long time my friend.d i thought we lost you.
im not saying anything crazy nor have i pushed anyone
well hard pushed for that matter
Kkat got online, read the thread and is now offline again
is klaze a genius?
Maybe you guys were right and this guy is more prone to early mislynches than I thought
if klaze is right about kkat he deserves mvp on the spot bc id never think to convert kkat tbh
You are just going to make him push that read harder because he wants to prove that
Kyle is stoking people's egos a lot this game
Same thing I noticed when I was pushing nyte/quoted the 5 names originally
i think we should really focus on scum tells rather than whos likely to be converted tbh.
you have ppl who are doing 10d chess in their head about who the best convert is based off how likely theyll be lynched
and you have ppl who just randomly convert whoever
and you have ppl who just convert who they view as a good player
i really dont think so. i think hes more likely to back off.
me mocking you isnt stoking your ego kind sir
I read the thread and there wasn't that much of value.
Also no one converts randomly, everyone would think about it then choose someone fitting. Everyone should think about who is likely to convert who, I'm starting to come around to the idea that I was wrong about kkat and someone like rora would be more fitting for the "passive player staying alive" recruit.
Matticus literally said he would roll for convert if he had the choice
Not everyone would go for that though, I think Asoul would value having an interesting dynamic with Nyte over winning in a "boring" fashion with Rora.
Guess he could've been lying though
i think you were close with someone like kkat.
he's a generally chill dude who posts fairly often so logically he wouldnt be lynched often but he actually gets lynched pretty often tbh.
but honestly i think
level 1 ppl just recruit who they think are good.
level 2 ppl recruit who will likely stay alive
level 3 ppl recruit someone very "random" to throw ppl off from discussions like these.
when i meant random i didnt mean they go to i meant that they dont want to be "paired" with that person
he wouldn't, the followup statement tells me that he wouldn't even consider it
"Then when the dice roll was bad I'd select Wingi/Klaze/Undecided."
Why don't we just go through the thread and have everyone say who they'd select for night 0 (and night 1)
Then when 1 flips you can read that
i thtink its a valuable discussion to have about who is likely to be converted however i think we shouldnt focus entirely on it because i dont think it solves the game, i think it makes is tunnel vision on 1 aspect of the game that we cant "PROVE"