Role PMs
Non-Essential Unemployed(3)
Non-Essential Unemployed PM
Welcome, [Player Name], you are Non-Essential and Unemployed.
You have no ability other than your voice and your vote.
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Essential - Mask Knitter(1)
Essential - Mask Knitter PM
Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Mask Knitter.
Mask: Every night, gift a mask to a player, preventing that player from infecting, or being infected by another player. for that night.
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Essential - Doctor(1)
Essential - Doctor PM
Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Doctor.
Once per night you may take a sample of any player's hair and examine it under a microscope to determine whether they are a Uninfected or Infected.
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.
Infected PM
Welcome, [Player Name]. You are Infected.
Superspreader: Choose a player to infect on night 0.
Factional Communication: Each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send one infected player to cough in the face of another player while they are asleep to infect them.
Win condition:
You win when the United States Patriot is dead and the Infected have a majority.
United States Patriot
United States Patriot PM
Welcome, [Player Name], you are a United States Patriot
Patriotism: With a fervent love for America, a full suit of body armor, an AK-47, and bullying in your past, you despise this shutdown. You believe this virus is nothing but a hoax, and you're willing to kill to prove it. Every night you may blast the brains out of one person of your choosing.
Heightened Immune System: You are immune to any illness.
Win condition:
You win when you are the only player remaining.
Alive Players
Day 2 Will End May 21, 2020 2:00 AM
@mafiabot startday 5250