Curse of Strahd - Out of Character Discussion

Want I should wait for SCSF’s action to finish in the thread or just post what I want to do?

you can post now im wrapping it up now

@Roragok Logic indicates that Brendan should’ve taken the hit if the armor hit Mukk in the ribcage

Why are you arguing with the host? Very rude.

@sdadasdas Arguing with the DM is how you quickly take 25 bludgeoning damage from falling rocks.

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@big_ass - So your shield and blade ward spells can only be cast on your wizard. Also note that shield is a reaction.

What that means is, you can use a reaction ability when you are being targeted for an ability or attack. So you wouldn’t want to use that unless those criteria are met. Also it only lasts for 1 turn which equates to 6 seconds of time.

Your bladeward on the other hand, is a casting time of 1 action, so you can total cast that on your turn and have protection until the end of your next turn.

OK, I will change my action. A little confusing because I have two shields - one from the spellbook and one I knew innately due to class/race.

Yeah, casting gets a little crazy until you work with it for a bit. And each class does it a little differently. We’ll get it all ironed out though.

Here is a great reference of all the options you can do on a turn.

Let me know if you have any questions about anything on that reference.

@Mukk you are after @Jilsen

Am I gonna die bros

I’m too young to die

@roll 1d6 + 3

@discobot roll 1d6+3

:game_die: 2

@discobot roll 1d4+3

:game_die: 3

If this are your attacks you have to roll to hit first nmagane.


I need attack rolls as well as your damage. To deal damage a blow must hit first. You need to roll the 1d20 + your hit modifier for each attack.