Day two - - After Christmas

I agree with you on this

Do you have Kobold Bait dan?

Use it and find out!

I do

I use mY KO:b:ald Bait

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The kobold consumes the bait and his eyes glow red - for a few seconds - before fading back to their normal color

Stupid ,Kobald! I suck the kobald off

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Well. Thatā€™s quite the disappointment.

Note that in the lore for the Kobold it says they ā€˜devour and butcher intelligent beingsā€™ so I assume thatā€™s why we are all safe.

Kobold Size

Child: 1,000 cm3
Adolescent: 5,000 cm3
Adult: 20,000 cm3

Why? Why is everyone convinced kobold is a scum only item? I had one in my choice of items to send last night. It was a kobold pet

You turned down a second kobold?

I was worried about the interaction between multiple koboldā€™s. I sent the first one too: I was drunk when I got my role PM and told nma to random which item and send it to a random player. You can verify this because I drunk posted before the day actually started, being drunk and not realizing role PMs didnā€™t start the day

I didnā€™t want to reveal that yesterday because the tide seemed so towards ā€œkobold must be scum onlyā€ and I didnā€™t want to get lynched

I added the horse armor to the pool

I gifted you all the sheeny curse

Iā€™m beginning to think that I wonā€™t get my present since Iā€™ve made no progressā€¦ Iā€™m distraught. I donā€™t know how Iā€™ll overcome this. I may not be able to.

Maybe u can try harder

I want to know whatā€™s in the box

Me too

I spent an hour yesterday trying different things including all your suggestions and nothing seemed to work, but I refuse to let the dungeon claim me so I will carry on.

Passionfortrains and Wintermute should use their items.