Dentist robbery

Brushing in the morning is way more important than brushing before bed. If you don’t brush in the morning your breath smells like shit during the whole day. Just brush while you’re showering dude

Before bed is more important for placque prevention.

Both are important and you should also brush after lunch and/or before any important meeting/ speaking to people in general if you actually care about your appearance

Which I do not. I sit at home and post about mafia all day and never brush my teeth after lunch (antisocial individual)

Luckily I’m not European so my teeth are still fine

Two days of the week I do not brush after lunch. Currently eating lunch outdoors with nothing more than the wares I carry on my person.

Do you guys carry a brush with you everywhere? I just eat mints.

Its NOT about the breath it’s about PLACQUE CONTROL and GUM HEALTH

I actually like using Listerine coolpak/pocket mist


I've had one of these in my pocket since I was 15

Brushing your teeth is not about fucking how your breath smells

Its about preventing cavities and oral infections.

Mints or whatever are not a fucking substitute

I’m not saying I didn’t brush my teeth before going to bed, I said that it’s more important to brush your teeth in the morning because of the immediate social disadvantages by not doing it, as opposed to the long-term effects of not brushing in the evening.

Social disadvantages? Do you have a bacterial condition or are you paranoid schizophrenic? Nobody cares!

The people you can smell when they talk to you? Certainly their only problem wasn’t skipping one of two brushings with no meal in-between

Klaze is trolling you guys there’s no way he believes night brushing isn’t importsnt

Wrong, sorry.

I can immediately tell if a person did not brush their teeth all day and it’s the end of the day.

Skipping brushing in the morning is just unthinkable.

I’m souring my breath with coffee and other garbage in the morning anyways

I was responding to someone who said he never brushed his teeth in the morning, pointing out how it’s equally if not more important to do so. Never did I say that night brushing wasn’t important.

I’ve noticed klaze is quickly becoming one of this forum’s biggest trolls