Determined [DAY 1]

Players likeliest to be D1


Players likely to be 234


Players that are likely to have Not Made the List and Are Therefore Optimal D1 lynches



If you skip a NK there's not even a point to lynching, you go to an even number where the braindead tactic is to go to the odd and then lynch.

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Not even coherent -- his players that are "most likely to be d2/d3/d4" are not his top lynches for d1.

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Zero connection in his logical processes.

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Not made in order, but you're probably more 234 than 1. Me and Matticus are added in the 234 as we're usually active and put some effort in, but not likely to be D1 lynched on player politics alone

afkers at bottom

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not sure what it is you don't get

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this is Good Outcome to Bad Outcome, other is guesswork as for where people placed players

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So the best outcome is we lynch a d2 listed player?

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Other than scum, yes

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For a guy who is usually anti town you’re being way more useful than usual. Who did nma make your partner?


the d234 pool has heavy overlap with the d1 pool, lynching the d1 is still way worse than anything else

so it's better to just go for someone unlisted


Now please use the magic of induction on the argument, and consider your D2 argument.


Fucking r*tard get out of my game.


my post was directed at you, where you said that the worst case would be to hit people at the bottom of the list. I think the worst case would be to hit a d1, followed by people not listed at all, it wasn't meant as a gameplan for town to specifically target d2s, as I don't think that's feasible

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Are you lynching tomorrow? Say we hit town today, are we lynching tomorrow at all?

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Not Sure

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Well figure that out.


your play is unusual but im contractually obligated to not lynch anyone playing to town wincon so you win this round

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