Determined [DAY 1]

I'm running the numbers and you've got a whole 5%~ better odds or so for lynching on the 5-2 with instant loss chance vs no-lynching to the 3-2. You go from 86% to 80% winrate.


That's if you're just rolling random numbers and you mafia can't influence you at all however.

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@mafiabot lynch @SOPHIE

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scum post


@mafiabot lynch @sdadasdas

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yeah man we will go for someone unlisted - you

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You can go to a forced tie if you just never lynch -- there's only 5 people on the list.

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@mafiabot lynch @sdadasdas

100% made the list or is mafia.

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I think goys are somewhat likely to have me as a D1.

Rest slim chance

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So yeah I'm not the worst lynch, decent chance I'm in 234 as well

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The only way to lose is to lynch the unlisted.

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Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sdadasdas 2 SCSF, bug
SOPHIE 1 Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk
Matticus 1 big_ass

Not Voting

sdadasdas, Matticus, Nyte, KrazyKat

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5

Day ends in 5 hours.

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I prefer not to lynch sdad because it's really rude to bring him back to the site and immediately lynch him day 1


Do you think this guy is going to play a game again after not playing for 4 years, showing up, and getting immediately lynched and kicked out of the game?

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Matticus completely crumbled under the mildest of pressure from Nyte and is extremely unlikely to be a day 1 NK choice

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The guy is promoting lynching "unlisted players" when lynching unlisted players is literally the only way mafia can win.

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No, no -- there's only 5 NKs in this game. If you don't lynch anyone at all it's a tie.

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This is a good point. Can we theoretically stall out the game by hitting 1 mafia and then not lynching anybody for the rest of the game?

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It is impossible to lose if you hit 1 mafia; it's at worst a tie.

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This way we get to play mafia forever and the site never dies.