Determined [DAY 2]

Day 2
3 Town v.s. 2 Mafia

At the start of the game, the mafia select a list of 5 town players to night kill in order.
Night phases are executed automatically.
If the foremost upcoming night kill is lynched on the immediate day before, the next two night kills are executed simultaneously.
On the other hand, if the night kill target was lynched on a non-immediately previous day, the night kill is skipped instead.


Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk has been lynched.
He was town.

It seems like this lynch was predetermined...
The mafia gain increased bloodthirst, killing both big_ass and Nyte during the night.

@mafiabot startday 9959

Day will last 24 hours


@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters

Not Voting

SCSF, SOPHIE, KrazyKat, Matticus, sdadasdas,

Alive Players - 5

Majority Vote - 3


nice job reta rds

Okay so you knew that was a bad move

That slow train was your demise buddy…

yerah man i knew that was a bad move because i'm scum right? not because i'm not a fucking moron

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Finally. Feels like I don’t have to connect dots as obsessively. Everyone’s reading comp is great.

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Post your read list if you’re so town bigshot

Can you confirm that the order you typed the next two kills (big ass --> nyte) was the order they were listed on the night kill order?

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*purposely loses to you on the guise of keeping DAU up*

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Amazing. Well sdad has outed himself.

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Ah. So I was advocating for my own double kill? Or would it have not mattered. I can’t tell tbh


Can you connect the dots for me pls

Who predicted that ass would be killed on night two?
I only remember ass predicting that.

I just thought it was funny that his argument was nyte sucks when my argument for not lynching topr is basically he sucks

first post in the thread

So you actually think it's possible that sdad devised this plan and somehow unwittingly we were led into a double kill?