Discord in the Teamspeak

return to the mean.

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Not funny.

It's just the bros chill stacking, Brendan Lemon and Robert. We're not trying too hard and just laughing our way through the games.


lmao @ bagholders: @kukiyomenai @Willy_711

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Trying too hard here.

Don't harass @kukiyomenai

I don't think you're trying hard enough LOL!

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If I try too hard my teammates wouldn't like it and it would be toxic. It's a chill stack.

yeah I am sure robert was "chill" during these games.

He was actually. We were mostly laughing at our mistakes.

Was about to say this. Nma swapped Robert as vengeful spirit so that he got hit by Omni's purify and then paused the game and burst out laughing at Robert. Robert was silent in a really creepy way after that (he seemed furious) and then abandoned teamspeak afterwards without a word. So yeah, with you on this one.

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Stop swinging bob on that pole

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advice: cut your losses

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What are those flairs?

@kukiyomenai and I are going to be playing DotA every day for the rest of the year. You're welcome to join any time.

congrats on the engagement


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