used to play with febby a lot back in the throneit league great guy

alll these pro matches look awful and boring as fuck to play. Nobody does anything amazing, nothing special happens, everyone is just copy and paste.


everryone knows dota players are poor if they can drive, and rich if they CANT drive/too lazy to license. i've never seen advertisment so detached from its fan base but whatever get that bag big corps.

I'm watching teams lose, LITERALLY JUST LOSE, AND DRAFT 5/10 of the SAME HEREOS ON BOTH SIDES. WTF. Like literally half the the potential actions are REPEATED. I've never seen dota so dumbed down to this state.

honestly im sure theres some merit in dota and that a lot of drafting stages for a while have been like that due to the nature of like a small meta pool (altho yeah its weird for 7.22 to drop and no huge changes to the meta)

you have a good point about the mercedes benz thing but im sure its still doin something

im more upset that i had a game where my dark willow went against a morph mid, morph won out, got an aghs and the game was over with his stupid fucking DW morph. like right there at whatever minute mark the dude just started going around the map and killing everything, i had no idea what to do. how the fuck is that balanced

dota has so much gold in the early game nowadays it feels wierd, everything is accelarated

maybe it's a good thing

one things for sure its ruining my turbo experience along with all the random shit valve added to that mode

No it's bad, limited resources and having to distribute them is what leads to creative strategies and play styles

I look at DotA and every game seems the same regardless of what heroes are picked and deaths/wasted player movements don't feel like they have much impact and it makes the game boring

The decision of whether or not you're going to upgrade magic stick to magic wand or buy wards or save gold for a 135 gold tp scroll and how you're going to use your smokes used matter a lot and it made the game better

The same thing goes for only having six slots

A 9 slotted hero with refresher should have to buy a 2nd courier if they want more slots

9 slotted? Add the tp scroll slot, the ability to eat aghs, and eating moon sharts. That's at least 12 slots.

Just watched slacks coach 1k mmr players. It was kinda funny. Kinda.

Can't wait until they let you eat linkens for a spell shield too


game is retarded, they just keep adding dumb shit and removing woke shit.

DotA is in a state of perpetual hyper inflation ever since ice frog discovered modern monetary theory

Their whole idea with DotA starting in 6.82 was to drastically increase the kill count and pump up supports in order make it more appetizing to brainless spectators at these "majors" who don't understand the game beyond at a surface level that just want to watch lots of flashing lights and particle effects

And then for the people that do play it they wanted to make the game very forgiving and give lots of gold to bad players so yay everyone gets to be dendi now!

Yeah they keep going for getting new players and pissing off the core base. Sad.

very impressive from EG, they draft hard to execute lineups and play them out

good summary.

Yep gotta get those new players who spend that money, dota operates for profit now.

Some of these dota players spent more on cosmetics than their pc.
Some of these dota players PC'S cost more than their mmr.

if EG LOSE, FIRE BULBA. Stale drafts, horrible picker, whole gameplan and ideology disruptive to how EG players play.

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that rosh fight with zai vacuum into nyx stun then trap them with rhasta wards was disgusting