dotakyles dota thread.

behavior score also matters more than mmr or something

i just climbed an account to immortal playing mostly 4/5 with a 60% winrate and then played on a 2k behavior score 4k flat account that gets that dumb 6 month ban warning whenever i login and i cant win those games at all. people just run it down or outright abandon like 1/3rd of the time no matter what i do

just go play unranked or turbo to 8k behavior score before u bother caring about mmr

this is probably the real answer.

do party games increase your behavior score?

turbo games increase your behaviour score and they are the fastest way of doing so

party games also work

party turbo would be ideal because nobody on your team will report you

you can trade commends with Bros as well

im turbo spamming -- this is gay

ill play with you if you want

turbo is more fun if you have a friend

i can play turbo but only around the end of the day and i will pick heroes that suck in turbo to try and do my jungle quests

add me up ■■■ -- i added you insom

i intend on just doing jungle challenges too -- no reason to try hard turbo

Arc Warden is pretty ■■■■■■■■ for this shit...

42minute game tho in turbo ;/

if anyone wants to play

added ya

i spammed some turbo games til i got to 5,572 behavior score which is still low but its not AS BAD

and magically i'm back to winning games

also not veno spamming just jungle challenge

oh also i was post 5 there

5.5 roentgens an hour.. not great not terrible


also got mvp for final game going into ancient.

that support life.


well vndragon did nothing all game and we were against a fucking meepo booster.

when does valve just disable meepo in ranked mm? no one plays that hero except for boosters