dotakyles game #1 day 3

that’s a nice theory except for the fact that i was more aggravated that people spent 2 days bitchinga bout setup instead of finding scum. i wanted people ot play the game for what it was.

i think i said that a few times here. im more annoyed with how people played, and if you read the graveyard chat you can clearly see that i’m frsutrated YNS decided tdo bitch instead of just playing.

People say whatever they want in games, I went out of my way to make it clear to you that I was doing this for a reason and not to be a jerk, you still got offended by it which is pretty ridiculous

I warned you, and I warned YNS publicly because I wanted conversation to be focused on the game and dnot the setup.

i said that several times.

No you specifically complained about me in postgame twice

And "people spent two days bitching about the setup" isn't accurate you just felt attacked

i don't care about you being a jerk or not. if i did then your PM would've worked. however i'm more upset that you resorted tdo out of game shit rather than in game shit.

i'm mentioning you beacuse you literally pm'd me eto admit that you're using out of game shit in an attempt to town tell.

I also saw the image you posted in GY of the masons

And I think it's reasonable that they were dumbfounded by those instructions and didn't know what to do

i don’t really wanna argue with you. i agree my instructions could’ve been clearer however i believe they’re also understandable.

i’m just tired of people relying on out of game shit to play this game

How can you even discuss the game with your partner when the host is telling you not to tell each other who you are

“I think X is scum”

“Oh well I can’t respond to what I think about that” (X is actually me and I can’t say that)

Then you go on to say “Oh you will find out naturally who your partner is through the game. You guys will more than likely figure eachotehr out but let it happen naturally”

Like what is “naturally” isn’t the most natural way to discover your town/town mason partner to say “Hey Partner I’m X”

You don't believe in this argument at all as evidenced by your play in all other games

You are just particularly upset over being personally attacked

Whatever happened to “Thanks for hosting.”
Kyle did everyone a favor by hosting a game.
If you think you can do better, then host one yourself.


point a post where i played with out of game shit.

it's fine, if someone feels i did something wrong then they're allowed to call me out on it

You used to threaten to leave games/sites and tried to make cash bets with dendi during games

you’re completely remembering that COMPLETELY wrong.

dendi tried to bet me and i REFUSED.

i threatened to leave site in POST games when dendi and co would troll.

oof i’m clearly getting baited. i concede.

Historically LEAST moral player and you always wrap yourself in a garb of authority to try and defend your clearly immature emotional reactions to things

Everybody gets lots of second chances tho thanks for the host and goodluck in next games

This is the PM I got for my role

You have day/night chat with your mason friend, however you may NOT know who your mason friend is. Your name MUST be Anon in the chatzy and you may NOT coordinate ways to figure eachother out.”

As you can see from the initial PM Kyle did not make it clear that we could “naturally” figure out the other mason and instead made it seem like we could never find out the identity of the other mason