Dungeons & Dragons

What did he mean by this

I eat wolf ass

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I just wrapped up my descent to avernus. Wasn't a big fan of it. The end in avernus was lame and needed to be flushed out a lot but I don't buy modules for those tbh.

Writing a custom campaign now starting that Tuesday had s0 earlier this week.

dang the abyss is way cooler than the pits of hell anyway

Yea. I'm writing my custom world now. Pretty fun

anyone try the theros module?

dank flowchart a player in my group drew of a dungeon they cleared

that is pretty dank

i'm really glad to have an old school mapper in my group i dm who loves doing this type of stuff because while i love mapping, doing it in an artistic or even easy to understand fashion is not my strength at all

designing a multilevel megadungeon inspired by pillars of eternity's endless paths. anyone have any mapping tools they'd reccomend?


wow roll 20 has come a long ass way since then

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