Elden ring

It's not your fault, I had already decided that it was poorly designed and didn't care much anymore, other than out of stubbornness - I had already finished everything else my way.

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Since then I've come to realize that sometimes bad design is Good in games, and that all games should have poorly designed trash sections, to keep the player's critical thinking active.


It's quite evident to me that the fight was designed around the utilization of bloodhound step and quick step.

I dodged it perfectly ONCE on teamspeak from point blank by almost sheer luck and the perfect dodge just looks so stupid and dumb. No other sequences of perfect dodging in this game looks that stupid. I'm not saying its 'le extremely hard'

But if you want to respect the material and play the way the artists intended , that is a 100% bhs/qs fight.


In my opinion it's quite evident that the game lacked testing and quality assurance. I don't think they had anything intended, game was rushed and probably mostly unfinished.

Same argument can also be projected onto casuals saying , 'if there's two enemies im summoning'

But let's not get that gay

I don't really think about this game much anymore, but my final opinion was that the level/boss designers were just lazy and didn't work very hard at all, and some of the fights/levels show that. That's about it.

As a game developer myself, I would've never let something like Waterfowl Dance past testing.

malenia dumb

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Malenia is not designed around bloodhound step. You guys are just scrubs

Agreed, she's not designed around anything other than looking funny.

She's a Sekiro boss that got cut from the game so they just pasted her in the next game. If you guys played Sekiro you would understand

I kind of agree that the group bosses are not great especially crystalians where some builds won't work or you need a specific gimmick to add to your build to make it work

I used night maiden's mist on that fight I believe

I kind of agree that the group bosses are not great especially crystalians where some builds won't work or you need a specific gimmick to add to your build to make it work

I used night maiden's mist on that fight I believe

group bosses or even ads in souls boss fights are usually dumb, commander niall was an exception. anyone remember capra demon lol?

I played Sekiro and I understand that.

sekiro owned im probably in the minority wanting a second sekiro before bloodborne 2

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Agreed I was telling ■■■ about how it's the best one, in some thread - a few days ago.

Are you saying commander niall was good?

it certainly has the most complex combat systems

he was ok, better than previous attempts at group boss fights