Elden ring

yeah its terrible

total garbo

like if i have a weapon that has as skill sometimes my l2 is the skill and sometimes its parry if i have a sheild. is it just the item that was more recently equipped that takes precedence on the l2 slot?

I believe it's the item in your left hand that takes precedence. If you want to use the weaponskill of the sword while you have the shield equipped; you must first two-hand the weapon (triangle+r1).

lol okay no wonder i couldn't figure out how to replicate it. thanks

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Controls and menus in these games take a bit to figure out, it's fine. If you are wielding two swords it also works the same way.

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Wrong. The item in your right hand takes priority, however shields take priority over everything.

Ok thanks.

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It's okay, your cognitive bias is understandable since you're a left handed person.


No I just never really paid attention to it while playing, only dual-handed weapons for maybe 1% of my playthrough, and avoided using all wepaon arts for the most part.

You didn't use shadow step on malenia?

I did, only weapon art I used for a boss fight. Although with the amount of damage I had with powerstancing curved swords, I think I could've just partially tanked her instead with no problem. I think I had like 12 Estus.

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Easy to say until she does the BS move

Yes, I meant partially tanking waterfowl; if you aren't using a weaponart dodge you will most likely get hit by part of it, but not die; therefore you can effectively tank-cheese her with high enough DPS and a bit of luck (if she only ends up doing 1-2 waterfowls)

I thought this conversation was over 3 months ago lol.

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I'm slow

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The only weapon art i utilized was also BHS for malenia

I told nmagane several times its a perfectly fine way to play the fight but he just kept saying it was bad design.

He was also way too bigoted to come up with the idea himself, i had to enlighten him

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I am a very stubborn gamer; I don't give up easily. I wouldn't call it being bigoted.
I knew about it from Youtube, but didn't want to do it until I realized that you gave up and used it too, so it wouldn't be as shameful for me to do it.

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Way to set a bad example. I'm sorry gamerbro.

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