Elden ring

Ok and maybe the gorilla was cool too only the first time though

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you're actually right in that it's clearly a gameplay dev issue compared to writers not being able to deal with it. rpg's typically want to create a sense of personal progression to hook dopamine junkies like jdance into them but often overly rely on lazy pitfalls such as gear, resources, or the most egregious as you pointed out just making higher levels deal more and take less damage from lower levels.

i can still appreciate a game if it falls into these traps but it does constrict player agency and can become monotonous. one of my favorite games divinity os2 became tedious on the highest difficulty if you were unwilling to use cheese/exploits you had to constantly shop and buy upgrades to every piece of gear you had for your whole team, otherwise enemies would simply start dealing more damage than you could handle (this isn't fun). ideally in an rpg you create multiple ways for the player to accrue advantages (resources, gear, level, preparation, subterfuge, knowledge, etc) in the world and not just lock everything behind a required level.

have you played the bg3 beta?


Compare walking into Pontiff for the first time and then go ahead and think about when You see the first boss in Sekiro where its just a guy on a horse repeating his name? Your name is Gyobu Oniwa? Okay cool bro.

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the bosses are certainly not as epic but the draw to sekiro for me compared to souls was the exploration and stealth mechanics.

So roleplay

i like exploring areas and figuring how to path through them. are you telling me im pushing buttons and staring at pixels the wrong way bro?

The exploration mechanics was zipping around like batman.

Looked like the best part tbh

Dude i played all the batman games when i was like 14 and its literally the same thing

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the game has quite under the surface if you take your time. if im just hitting up guides and bossrushing i wouldn't have had fun

What exactly was under the surface? I played blind and all i found was "ungo bungo sugar"

"Batanga chatanga salt"

Used to slay the evil Mitsubishi spirits.


the headless, the shinobi at the temple in the memory, the path through the cave, other stuff etc

Headless was especially based because robert overheard it on teamspeak while driving in his car and he was in such disbelief of the absurd gay drivel me and nmagane were discussing he just kept repeating "Headless" over and over for the next 3 hours


you guys are so cute together on teamspeak. why has goyclubtv been on hiatus

Nmagane just nuked the whole thing after i intentionally griefed him as winter wyvern (for complete shits and giggles,i had no ill intention whatsoever) and after i told him im going to block him if he keeps harrassing me he just got admin from jcrispy and started banning me. .
notjones left too so i just couldnt be bothered honestly

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lmao you guys are children

Trust me there's only one person that acts like a child, and it's ironically the one that's most predisposed to calling other people juvenile.

To clarify : He was complaning about how i was playing WW the whole game calling me bad and i was mostly silent(as i always am when he starts doing this shit.) After several attempts to backseat my Ult, i said "How you Play WW is you don't ult unless it gets you a rampage."

And he just completely lost his shit. I know this sounds unbelievable but it's literally exactly what happened

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I believe you. I'm sorry that happened to you.

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