Elden ring

I am super glad I got someone to family share it to me because I unironically would've been upset to purchase this (outside of supporting a decent game company)

Coop elements are really enjoyable to me and it feels the worst in this game. I remember in ds2 I'd be summoned to defend against invaders like all the time. I got summoned once since I got that ring when I started playing shts dead. So few people putting down their sign that there is no one to summon, they are auto summoned elsewhere. Probably because the boss scaling is the highest it's ever been for coop and the bosses are on avg a lot harder

Besides that, having your friends spoof items for you, and messages (also the most useless they have ever been and is a crutch for bads like me) there's no reason to play online so I would def pirate it

Summoning pools are a terrible design choice imo

Not to mention that the pvp seems worse than it's ever been. My friends are forced to Twink otherwise when they do 2v2s someone will bring a friend with late game funny stuff. There's a lot of broken ass weapons spells statuses that are not worth dealing with unless you want to dish it

This guy chains this until the invaded guy alt f4s


This, the Erdtree gattling gun shield where when you recieve magical damage it shoots out golden beams, however the same self damaging fire spell that is utilized for the death blight glitch also causes the shield to become a machine gun, while the intended mechanic is it's only supposed to shoot the golden beams when it succesfully parries a spell.

The multiplayer is infested with people who do this stuff and waste everyone's time. I personally just walk away until the fire buff ends and then walk in and chase them with double spears until they panic roll and die. Then i do the patches squat on top of their gay little corpse

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le redditors le lul

misses a phone call and calls the number back

"Did you elden ring?"

Are you really playing Elden Ring if you're not shoving ghost peppers up your ass? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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After a lot of consideration and reviewing, I believe this is the most objective tier list of bosses:

S:Gideon Ofnir, Godskin Apostle (Caelid), Morgott, Radagon, Godrick the Grafted, Crucible Knight, Godfrey.
A: Margit, Maliketh, Mohg, Flying Dragon Agheel (Limgrave), Gargoyles (All), Death Rite Bird, Red Wolf of Radagon.
B: Loretta, Fallenstar Beast, Rennala, Commanders O'Neil/Niall, , Praetor Rykard, Tree Sentinels, Erdtree Burial Watchdogs, Dragonlord.
C: Elden Beast, Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstrella, Godskin Noble, Astel, Magma Wyrms, Leonine Misbegotten, Fire Giant.
D: Godskin Duo, Ancestor Spirit, Erdtree Avatars, Ulcerated Tree Spirits, All Other Dragons, Godfrey (Ghost).
F: Starscourge Radahn.
X: Malenia, Blade of Miquella.

Thanks a lot,


This is not me by the way. This is nmagane. And this is not even funny.

He puts radahn at F because he got raped and assblasted for hours on end and he comes in teamspeak and says "You can't even see what he's doing"

he's really big how did he not see him

All ranking systems should just be a binary. Yes/No

1: Butterfly lady, The Black Blade, Lord of Blood
0: the rest

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1: pinwheel, ceaseless discharge, tibia mariner
0: ???

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amygdala was cool

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