Ersu's Dating Profile Thread

Ya you’re probably better looking than I am.

Is your gym also a dentists front lobby

no you pump while they clean

sometimes he spots you when it looks dicey

I’d be hot as fuck if I dropped 40 pounds and packed on the muscle and used a functioning personality


Get a grownups haircut.

I know a couple people who post on this site know what I look like. Sadly any moderator can see what I look like because I can’t delete the photo of me that is hosted on the site now.
Pretty sure the only reason women talk to me, is because here in the south, you have the option of talking to me or talking to a guy that would probably be willing to have sex with his own cousin knowingly…

Shut up dude you are attractive

im pretty sure you know how to treat a woman right tho

or better than others

I took a selfie to try and post it but I just can’t bring myself to post it.

ive seen it, theres 100% much uglier people online

i think you look better than jdance for example

Agreed unironically

just get your hair lookin alright

But I am coming for you Zac Efron

Whew almost typed up an earnest post that was about ~3 good sized paragraphs in response to this. Someone has to stop me.

Just do it no one’s making fun of you

I am

Wait maybe someone might