Even Odd Killers D2

i have never once read you as town this game - i just accepted that you are capable of simply being a shitty enough person to warrant you actually being town, but acting anti town. i did find it so blatant (the disrespect and anti town behavior) as to be mildly surprising.. but that's probably a mistake on my part - to be at all surprised.

how does mafia hide from sk in this game? they proactively hunt mafia and try to encourage town trust with sk. pretty basic. your focus on lbj was just dogshit from a town perspective. there is no way to couch that as beneficial to town. end of story.

LBJ played his d1 identical to another scum game he played recently

In addition, he is a net negative EV player and was very good to remove early. It resulted in a N1 scum kill so I am satisfied.

If you can't read me as town, you are a bad player. It's that simple. I'm not being "disrespectful and anti town" - I am the town. You're being anti town by crying in the thread about me thinking you're dumb and annoying for tunneling me every game, including in games where I am blatantly town

I manipulated the day 1 thread, as town, so that we removed or cleared all 3 of my day 1 mafia reads by SOD2. Nyte copped, LBJ (playing as afk scum) lynched, bazingaboy NKed.

Mafia and SK are left in a position where they have to focus on each other instead of killing the outed town cop because their main risk right now is dying to the other scum faction.

This is the best possible position we could be in at start of day 2 given the other stuff that was going on in the game.

LBJ had fewer posts in Day 1 than the host

If you are telling me you are going to leave this player alive to lylo, you are a game loser. LBJ playing that way as VT griefs the game more than NMA's day 1 does.

Div would you like to explain why you posted this?

In this part of day 1 (and still into day 2 tbh) you commit 3 very common beginner mafia tells.

  1. Consistency. Claim not to town read me, then switch at the last minute to follow my lynch

  2. Prep the lynch/explain the lynch. You look like you are preparing here for a town result on LBJ and know it will reflect poorly on me after

  3. Sole focus on the SK, seem only interested in talking about and hunting Sk

This guy's been typing for 15 minutes.

Not seeing how the same argument #2 can't be made for you after ignoring all requests for input hours before EoD. I'm also not solely focused on SK, I just felt like I had the most cogent case for it based on the set of facts available at the time.

It looks bad for both of us depending on the details you care about most, but I'm not a weird little gremlin who was basically already gloating going into d2 acting like they solved the game.


The one thing I'm going to leave this game having learned is that the Kamala campaign's "You're weird" push is going to win them election. You can't stop yourself even when trying to get townread.

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Correction. I am not trying to get townread, was not around for EOD, and the play you are describing as "weird little gremlin" is actually optimal town play.

Regardless I have decided we are all 3 in this thread the actual town, because mafia by now would be tired of arguing about this.

SDK is the maf and Insom is the SK

I'll lynch whomever town decides to kill today including myself.

Does the optimal nature matter if its compulsive behavior?

Good town play is always compulsive.

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Listen here folks and listen close. I'm just a regular citizen, I don't mess with the mob, and I don't want no trouble, ya hear me?

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Can you add anything else about the thread from the ~48 hours since you posted this last?

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give real reasons for insom being sk

because it really does appear that you are arrogant enough to think that you orchestrated everything in the only way possible, the only force possible for its conclusion. which is just a sad state of ego that you have, considering there were plenty of paths or aspects to attain desired results from a true towns perspective that didn't necessitate your shitty approach and handling. just narcissistic delusion, that.

i am purposefully moving away from meta reading in this game because i want to believe epok wouldn't be short sighted enough after all this time to publicly pressure key players without regard to game impressions.

this is the most reaching bullshit lol

I still think a SK lynch was the best possible d1 position for town, despite losing the nk on mafia that way we already lost a townie anyways and cop retains its utility if they check any of the remaining scum.

I think mafia will still go after cop tonight and then try and get a vote through on sk. Of course sk will still be a threat to them if that fails but I feel like this has the highest chances of actually winning them the game, but maybe I'm wrong