Even odd killers DAY5 / POSTGAME

Basically you plan who you take to lylo

I think in your case you were taking you, nyte +1 to lylo. The ask then is "will nyte mislynch" (answer: yes, always)

I did this out in the day 2 thread, forget what the result was, but I thought the result was mafia win every time

you are actually so delusional its incredible

Nyte this is the postgame. You already did enough crying during the actual game. This is the time to talk about productive solutions

Funny thing is you're replying to the post where I said the only reason town won is that scum kept killing each other.

You didn't successfully lynch a single scum all game. What do you want me to say? Your major push this game was on me, your town ally, on the most pivotal town day (day 2)

Everything else in the game was just autoplay - hands off the keyboard, game plays out, no more decisions to make. Congrats on your win I guess?

im fairly confident after my night kill and kkats post on checking insom i did the only thing left to make my chances of surviving the night more than 0%


Yeah you had to kill KKat right?

my day 1 vote kills mafia and yours killed town - you are delusional

You're so annoying. What are the actual facts? Did you lynch a scum this game?

anyone other than sdk really, but i took a gamble on who i thought they would check

absolutely delusional it's kind of sad. say it with your chest, all the "i made town do this" and "i made town do that"
say it

its delusion

SDK played fantastic. Probably 2nd best town player after me.


Did you kill SDK thinking you were hitting SK

Thing is SDK is 0 value add as a scum kill. That guy is not readable, he posted just roleplay all game, you can bring him to lylo and just let town mislynch him. I guess I am not getting the reasoning there

Krazykat made the mistake of lynching me day 1, which led us to victory eventually but only because I took drastic measures.

Nyte just wants to make the postgame a continuation of day 2. I'm not interested in arguing with you any more, get your attention elsewhere.

I don't know what you're talking about. SDK was the most obvious town of all time, he would never be lynched over insom or the other guy.

over thinking and metagaming they were online way based their normal (small sample size) activity period, seemingly heavily invested in the outcome. i should've gotten back on insom but you derailed my whole shit and i started attributing what i saw from them as incompetence and didn't readjust

The mechanical solution to this "problem" is actually very obvious and simple but I won't say it because Epok would never figure it out on his own.

Shut up.

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