Even odd killers DAY5 / POSTGAME

In exchange we can offer them LBJ.

could possibly give @SiteAdmin a probationary shot at it

has anyone actually seen nyte happy since she broke it off with me?

I would like to nominate myself for worst player this game.
But in the end, a win is a win.
@SOPHIE thanks for hosting. It was fun.


Shut up baby


Until you can play one game without breaking rules you shouldn’t be allowed to speak on anything. You can’t even wipe your own ass, how are you going to weigh in on anything else


Rules? I play to win.


Point of order. There's no need for him to know how to wipe his own ass.


@big_ass howd you figure out I was SK so fast? what gave me away

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I figured it out first actually.

no me

game has great potential if not for @Vanilla_Town

in spite of him it was still fun

ty for hosting and I support banning @Vanilla_Town

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Don't be a sore loser now.

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I'm not sure

I am checking day 1 again

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The answer is that he got it from me. I told him.

I think you looked a little bit antsy, idk it's just a vibe

When people are not town they are a little uncomfortable in the thread and their interactions with people. Actually the start of the thread is often the easiest place to pick up on this, it can be hard to know how to enter and start interacting with people

That's how people caught bazinga too. Just his entry looked awkward

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Not possible because I don't read your posts.

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The only reason you're on this forum is to read my posts.


That's not true.

i was proud of myself for sniping bazinga n1’and figured it would give me cover

i figured people would think if I was SK id kill you (bigass)