Failed Moderator EpochPlaysGames Exits Lost Argument Via Power Abuse

I understood it as that he was only banned from the Lounge?

I only choose to beat in debate those that make remarks against me. Like pointing out the psychological correlation between vanity and low self-esteem after your American Psycho impersonation.

Wow! Pat yourself on the back dude! Another wonderful reply!

No nmagane is banned from the entire website or he would be posting in this thread.

You lost the argument. I won. Stop posting now.

You resorted to “” after losing so fast and viciously.

EDIT: There was quite blatantly an argument and your weird and unambitious denial of one paints you in a really narcissistic light and a sore loser.

There was no argument. You were being pretty weird trying to forensics your way out of a flame.