You have the brain of a literal 13 year old
If you take an econ 101 class and pass it I will reimburse you for its cost.
Just me doing my part in educating the idiots
I will reimburse you in algorand
Just pm me your wallet after its over
To be honest your hatred of crypto seems like you're very upset that some people made money
Do you have the same hatred toward people who invested in Amazon before it was profitable?
Seems like a victim complex to me
Money Doesn't Matter To Gamut, Only Having Sex With Lichlings
Cum Is His Currency
Idk man maybe one day when you and lichlings are married you'll realize that you'll actually want to be able to afford to live in a house someday and you'll leave this dumbass mindset
Fuck graphics cards inflated to shits.
I have to hop from best buy to best buy buying them because I can only buy 1 at a time.
Have 1/11 new 3080 TI's now
Give it a year
Give it 2, maybe 1.5
i want to shove non fungible tic tacs in my asshole for a nice cool refreshing zing
you seem very upset that some people don't care about money as much as you
It's gonna take 9 months to break even I can't wait lol
4/11 3080ti's now
People are PISSED!