Faz's Crypto Thread


Need another random $5k airdrop. Its been like a week

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$3.02 is my millionaire cutoff

(That means it wont happen)

I mean yeah 90% of people are unserious goyim cattle who don’t care to really do anything and don’t even own a PC. I don’t really believe in appealing to the lowest common denominator being a positive thing other than to add liquidity to the market. Using crypto for it’s designed purpose is the point to me, the other shit that comes along as it evolves that goes against those fundamental concepts is just flavor of the month trends and usually the price collapses as people lose interest and move on.

You’re a speculator, you’re here to provide liquidity to the market and make money off of it. Please leave the real conversations to people who read white papers

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Lmfao hes actually pumping again

This is the dumbest time to be alive

You would think diluting your company to buy tens of billions of dollars of bitcoin at all time high would be a terrible strategy but nonetheless


Kek white

The dog has a hat dude. Theres no whitepaper

cute site i like it

84m is suchba hilariously small number

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sold half my popcat at .264 buying it back at .218ish

pattern day trading shitcoins is p fun the tops and bottoms are pretty intuitive

should've done it with all my popcat but wasn't that confident

if I were holding wif i mightve sold a portion at 2.74 and that wouldve been a mistake

but 2.97 also feels like a local top